What types of transaction are not eligible for digital disputes?

If you believe you were charged incorrectly for merchandise or for services not received on or after the service date, you must contact the merchant directly to try and resolve the issue.

In some cases, if contacting the merchant doesn’t resolve the issue, you may submit a digital dispute.

A digital dispute is a transaction you believe is incorrect, such as:

  • Purchases processed for the wrong amount
  • Being charged twice for the same purchase
  • Not receiving a refund if you were entitled to one
  • Merchandise or services that you were charged for, but did not receive
  • Merchandise or service received is not as described
  • Merchandise received is counterfeit
  • You have cancelled a service with the merchant for a recurring service (like a utility or gym membership) and are still being charged

It's important to note that a transaction must be posted (already charged and no longer pending) to your account before it is eligible to begin the digital process.

Transactions that are not eligible for digital dispute include:

  • Account fees (like annual fee, interest, cash advance fee, balance transfer fee, FX fee, over limit fee, late payment fee, returned payment fee) 
  • Payments made to card 
  • Bill payments 
  • Cash advances 
  • Transactions that exceed 120 days of the original posting date
  • Pending transactions (a transaction can only be disputed once it has posted to your account)
  • Transactions where an expected merchant refund or credit has not yet been received within 15 days of the original posting date
  • Transactions that have been processed by a card belonging to a joint account/supplementary card holder

If your transaction isn’t eligible, but you still believe there's an issue, please call us at 1-800-472-6842 so we can help.

Last updated March 3, 2025