What is a digital dispute and who can submit one?
A digital dispute is an action you may take if you see a posted transaction you believe is incorrect (for example: charges processed on your Visa for the wrong amount or being charged for the same thing twice).
If you believe you were charged incorrectly for merchandise or for services not received on or after the expected date, you must contact the merchant directly to try and resolve the issue. If you can’t resolve the issue with the merchant, you can start a digital dispute using the Scotia app.
To submit a digital dispute, you must have:
- The Scotia app
- A personal Scotiabank Visa credit card or access card on a Scotiabank line of credit
If you suspect a posted transaction on your account is fraudulent, however, please call us at 1-866-267-4670 as soon as possible so we can help.
Please note that Scotiabank American Express credit card and Scotiabank Mastercard credit card disputes can’t be submitted through the Scotia app at this time.