How do I cancel my Scotia SelectPay Installment Plan and are there cancellation fees?
- App
- Web
After your installment plan is enrolled, you can cancel it at any time.
To cancel your plan in online banking:
- Select your eligible Scotia credit card and click the Additional services tab
- Select Scotia SelectPay and choose your card
- Under My plans, select the installment plan you want to cancel
- Select the Cancel plan button
Allow 1 to 3 business days for us to complete the processing of your installment plan cancellation.
- No cancellation fees will apply
- Once you cancel an installment plan, that purchase will no longer be eligible for future installment plans
- The remaining outstanding installment balance under the installment plan that you’ve cancelled will be re-applied to the balance owing on your eligible account
- The remaining outstanding installment balance will incur interest at the annual interest rate that applies to purchases on your eligible account until it’s paid in full
- Even after processing your cancellation, you'll see your installment plan listed on your mobile app for 2 months, on the My plans tab for reference, with a status of cancelled on your next monthly credit card statement
Last updated October 29, 2024
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