What do I do if I’m not receiving the 2-step verification code that was sent to my phone number?

Your unique verification code may take a moment to arrive, but if you don’t receive one, you can request that a new verification code be sent.

To resend a code:

  1. When you’re asked for a verification code, select Resend code (please wait 1 minute before resending)
  2. Get a text message or a phone call with your verification code
  3. Enter the verification code
  4. Choose to trust device (or not) and select Continue

If you’re still not getting your verification code:

  • Check that your phone service is working as expected
  • If you're using a mobile device, check that your device isn’t in airplane mode
  • If you're travelling, check if you have mobile network coverage from your carrier and can receive text messages or phone calls
Last updated August 14, 2024