How do I reset my password?

To reset your password for digital banking in the app:

  1. From the login screen, select either Forgot your username or password? or Need help signing in? depending on your device
  2. Select I forgot my password
  3. Enter your username or ScotiaCard number
  4. You’ll either be prompted to verify yourself with security questions or a one-time passcode
  5. Create your new password
  6. Once it has been accepted, log in using your new password

Password requirements:

  • Must be 8-32 characters long
  • Must contain at least one uppercase, one lowercase letter, and one number
  • Should include at least one of the following special characters: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ | ~
  • Password cannot be the same as username or previous five passwords
Last updated May 22, 2024